About us
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (SAPC)
Who are we?
We are a collection of folks just like you! We come from varied social-economic, ethnic, denominational and geographic backgrounds. Some of our members have been here since our founding in 1957, while others have joined us just a week or so ago. 
Although we come from varied backgrounds, we are bound together by the common conviction that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Our purpose as individuals and the Church is to love and serve the Lord, honoring God in all that we do.

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We stand theologically in the Reformed tradition, a tradition which stresses:

  • The Sovereignty of God in all aspects of life,
  • The Authority of Scripture, and
  • Obedience to God.

We govern ourselves through an elected Session and it Committees. All members of the congregation are encouraged to become involved in the life and governance of the congregation.

When is our Worship?

We gather for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30a.m. to hear God’s Word read and proclaimed, to sing praises to God, to offer our prayers to God and to worship God through our music ministry.

  • Music is a gift from God and in response to that gift; we sponsor choirs for adults and children.
  • Special worship services Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, and other times during the year.

How do we serve others?

The members of St. Andrews take seriously our obligation to minister to the needs of individuals in our community and the world.

  • Assist persons in our community by serving as a “Meals on Wheels” site and sponsoring Scout Troops (Boys, Cub and Girls).
  • Financially support and volunteer in many community projects service the needs of the poor, the sick and the troubled. 
  • Active participant in WSCO – Westside Christian Outreach.
  • We reach out internationally supporting the mission efforts of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

How do we study God’s word? 

Study is an important aspect of any faithful disciple’s life; therefore we provide opportunities for study and religious growth for the entire family.

  • Sunday School for all ages (Toddlers through Elementary is held at 10:45 a.m., Adult is held at 9:15 a.m.).
  • Confirmation Classes for Youth preparing to make Professions of Faith.
  • Vacation Bible School for our children and the children of the community.
  • Special emphasis Sunday evening classes are offered.
  • Youth Groups (Grades 6 -12) meet regularly.

Our fellowship gatherings

We consider ourselves to be a “big family” at St. Andrews, and as in any family, fellowship with one another is important, even vital, to maintaining the health of the family.

  • We gather regularly for meals, small group dinners in homes, and a picnic each summer.
  • Several groups meet actively for fellowship, service and study. These include Presbyterian Women, Presbyterian Men, Sunday School Classes, Game Days, Red Hats, and “Work Parties” often turn into fellowship events.

How can you get more information about St. Andrews?

We are so happy you have taken the time to visit our website and learn about St. Andrews. We have tried to tell you about ourselves in a few words and photographs, but these never adequately express the feelings we have about St. Andrews and its place in our faith journey.

We invite you to journey with us as together we discern and act upon God calling to us as members of God’s family through our worship, study, service and fellowship. The Pastor and all the Church members will be happy to answer any questions you may have which are not answered in this brief FAQ.

The Church Office is open from 9:00a.m. to Noon, Monday through Thursday for your convenience. 

The Session is available on request to receive new members. Come and become the newest member of the St. Andrews Church family. 


St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA)http://www.pcusa.org/ and the St. Augustine Presbytery http://www.staugpres.org/